
space meets vacuum

space meets vacuum
Originally uploaded by yosephus.
This spaceman has come face to face with a pie. Inside the pie is a veritable vacuum. The innards of the pie have been drawn out through a tube coming out of the top. In the background is a Chinese outerspace billboard. Can this be what the future holds? And if so, for whom?

I find it fascinating to consider that the future holds such marvels.


Here's a link related to the time machine below. Maybe we should take up a fund to get a ride from the aliens.


Got this link from a colleague who just started a thing called Roblog.

I wrote to the buyer to see if he/she got it working. No answer yet.

this is the time machine you've heard so much about

this is the time machine
Originally uploaded by yosephus.


I usually post my essays, like the one below, at the link above. Click on it and you can read past essays, plus a lovely almanac of sorts. I thank Yosephus for allowing me to display my essays here. You can also hear them at http://www.thisishell.net - the website of the radio show on which I read them.


Welcome to the Moment of Truth: not the kid who pointed out the Emperor's nudity, but the Emperor's very nudity itself.

The following was written before Terri Schiavo died. I'm sure everyone's as relieved as I planned on being now that her soul is free to haunt her parents or her husband, depending on which side she was on in the "debate."

Everybody's sick of hearing about Terri Schiavo. And everyone's talking about her. And I think everyone's so sick of hearing and talking about her that they're really hoping she'll die, like, real soon. At least that's what the polls say. Most people want her dead. What kind of society wants a pretty little brain-dead woman dead? A society that's on the verge of puking from all the rightwing mishegoss.

Man, I want a brain-dead chick's husband to remove her feeding tube EVERY MONTH! This issue is really separating the nuts from the people. Polls showing people want to let Terri Schiavo die by a margin of five to one come out like three times a day, from CBS, CNN/Gallup, ABC, this, that and the other. Even FOX! But you should hear these crazy rhetoricians with their misdirected passions, cussing out the polls, denying their validity - it's almost as sad and disgusting as their behavior in general.

This could be it, people. This could be the issue that separates the expendable jerks from the rest of us. Here's what we do: I'm gonna start a cult, "Veggies for Terri." It'll be an anti-abortion, anti-semitic, anti-gay, misogynist group, of course, in order to get the proper nut-cases to join. Then, when they've all joined - and by all I mean Jeb and W and Tom DeLay included - we're all gonna get really thin and have heart attacks that leave us in a vegetative state. But beforehand, I'm gonna have all my followers sign a living will saying they would never, under ANY circumstances, want to be dead, killed, allowed to die, or ignored by the media. These documents would be fakes. Also, my heart attack would be fake.

Anyway, as soon as they were in their Persistent Vegetative States, I would pull the plug on them! HA!

Or maybe we can get them all into a stadium and gas them.

As you can tell, I'm not against the death penalty. I think Donald Rumsfeld should get it. Why him? Because he's in a Persistent Vegetative State, that's why. Also, he smells like a fetus.

The fact is, you can't kill everyone you hate. It's been tried, and it always ends in disappointment. But I would be remiss if I didn't point out that GOD HATES THESE PEOPLE WHO ARE TURNING TERRI SCHIAVO INTO A FETUS ON A CROSS! God hates them because they want to keep people in love from getting married and people who are dead from dying. God hates them because they are baboons having a feces-throwing tantrum. They are villagers with torches chasing Frankenstein's monster up to the windmill. They are the Gujarati Hindutvas massacring their Muslim neighbors. They're the mob calling for Jesus to be crucified. They're the Taliban killing men without beards and women without burkhas. They're the chasids from Brooklyn moving to the West Bank so they can kick and spit on old Palestinian women. They're the smiling soldiers giving the thumbs-up as they crowd around a prisoner they've beaten to death. The ignorant, hate-filled, reactionary mob. And right now, for the first time in I don't know HOW long, there's way more of US than there are of THEM.

So let's go get 'em! Just kidding. HA!

But we could.

No, let us be gracious. Like Michael Schiavo, who, despite slander and death threats, maintains his composure.

Right now, most of the nation feels the same sense of embarrassment and pity for these misguided souls as the rest of the world did for our nation as a whole when Bush was returned to the White House. So now EVERYONE knows what it's like to have the national discourse hijacked by idiots.

Everyone, that is, but the idiots. They're having a ball! And I say, let 'em! Let's whip this rightwing discourse up to full loft, to its fluffiest foam, its crème de la crème. Let it fluff! Let it foam! Let the zaniness flow, let none curtail the boneheaded clownishness of the fanatically embarrassing. Let them fanaticize themselves back into the margins of society, where they belong.

The more disgusting their grandstanding sideshow, the more Evangelical Christians who AREN'T complete maniacs will want to define themselves apart from the baboons. This can only be good for Evangelical Christianity, in that it will ostracize its intolerable members, cut off the gangrenous limb and focus on less circussy issues; perhaps the majority of Evangelicals will even come to realize that oppressing women, homosexuals, and vegetables is best done in the privacy of one's own home; and likewise it can only be good for the rest of us, because we won't have to be flailed at by Christianity's gangrenous limb any more. It'll just be a dead limb, crumbling in the sun like Chris Lee in House of Dracula.

Imagine a world without the ignorant, reactionary mob. Some people blame the devil for all the evil in the world. And some blame the Jews. And some blame the Muslims. And some blame the Liberals. And some blame the capitalists. And they're right, the capitalists are responsible, but so is the reactionary mob. In fact, evil couldn't exist without the reactionary mob. I think the hierarchy goes like this: the best people are the people whose compassionate convictions keep them always on the lookout to avoid becoming part of a reactionary mob. The next best are the people who have compassionate convictions that, for the most part, incidentally end up keeping them out of reactionary mobs. And the worst people are those who maintain a permanent residence in the reactionary mob.

And those are the people we should have a pogrom on. But we won't, and I'll tell you why.

They're very easily taken advantage of. They'll even go so far as to let the government dispose of nuclear waste in their laundry hampers. Consequently, they can be experimented on without their ever being the wiser. There's a lot we can learn from them. Like, how does someone in a morally vegetative state react when kicked in the groin? And, once he's down, how much is in his wallet?

They're also the people who buy the most lottery tickets, and we need them to run up the jackpot so we can play when it really matters.

This has been the Moment of Truth. Good day!



See the stars, pretty twinklers, eh? The stars make the night something other than terrifying. They say that, when Adam and Eve saw the first night coming, they said, "We've sent the sun away, it's all going to end in this darkness and cold." They had just been exiled from the Garden, so naturally they assumed the worst. Imagine how afraid they were as the darkness deepened. And when their bodies were possessed with sleepiness, and their minds fell into the depths of dreaming, they must have thought they were sinking into death.


This is where people who come from outer space come from. It's good to know this. People who come from outer space are always very mysterious and cagey about where exactly they come from. Well, here it is. Now you know. Posted by Hello


Slogans from Prez Election 2004 - with FUN FORMATTING

NOW THEY CAN BE REVEALED: The following election slogans were considered too inflammatory to be worn as buttons - and I was too lazy to post them until now. But the people have requested a reminder of how pathetically boneheaded they were to put that piece of crap back in office.

Down with the moronarchy!

The Electoral College is Neither

Supreme Court or Selectoral College?

Member, Scalia Hunt Club

Impeach Scalia

I survived W … so far

Vote for your lives!

Voters against unnatural disasters

Vote out the bitches

Off with their heads

Stop the slo-mo train wreck

Electoral College out of my uterus!

Can we vote this time?

Demand a vote count!

Dump the chump

Down with chimperialism!

W or Shinola?



Don’t privatize our public sphere, publicize our private spheres

Private Sphere = Public's Fear

Take Back the Republic

Privatization = Public Degradation

Privatization = Public Privation

Free the Vote

Free the Democratic Process

Make Democracy Public Again

Liberate U.S. Democracy

Take Back Society

De-Privatize the Public

Not a Moment Too Soon

De-mock Democracy

De-frock the Cock

Bush is not an Option

Oiligarchy No

Democracy, not Oiligarchy

Dethrone the Oiligarchy

**Depose the Oiligarchy

Vote Out the Oiligarchy

Scalia, Fugitive from Justice

Democracy out of the Closet

How about a Defense of Democracy Amendment?

Trim the Republican Fat

**Start the Florida Recount Now

*Vote 2004, the Fire Next Time

Unattended Democracies will be Violated

Fraud is not Statesmanship

Jeb, Hands off this Election

End This Nightmare

Jesus wants a recount

*Take Back the Republic

Take Back the Millenium

We're Better Than This

Let's Try This Again

Try It Without the Fraud

Fast Screwed Nation

Redeem the Process

****Ballot Count: Accept no Substitute

Deprogram the Republic

Burn it Down, Start Over

Don't Drink the Kool Aid

Show Me That Ad Again

Born Again or Just an Asshole?

Devolution has Gone Too Far

Chuck the Fuck

**Disgorge George

Take Your Mess Back To Texas

Make Tex an Ex Prex

Voting Removes Stubborn Oil Stains

Affordable Democracy

The Current Administration is not Cost-Effective

The Current Administration is not good for Jesus and other living things

Ex Prex back to TX

Boost Civilian Morale in 2004

Suffer Not The Dumbass

Deprive him of all he holds dear

Smell the Glove

Drop the Charade

Blow the Whistle

Roll Back Executive Privilege

Flag on the Play

Bite me

Kerry for Not Bush

Kerry for slightly Lesser Evil

Kerry, indeedy

Kerry, sure

Kerry, okay, him

Shoot to kill – I mean, VOTE

Smell the Sock

Book 'im, Danno

Torture Bush (Geneva Conventions don't apply to him)

Fight the Right

Defeat the Elite, Pete

Ditch the Rich, Bitch

Deflate the State, Nate

Mangle his Dangle

Flog the Dog

Induce Vomiting

Smack that Smug Smirk off his Mush

Jesus died for what, now?

Your Vote Might Count!

All right, I'll tattoo Reagan on my eyeballs if you JUST GET RID OF BUSH!

Privatize Bush/Cheney in '04

color candelstein



This is a secret message.

Slogans from Prez Election 2004

NOW THEY CAN BE REVEALED: The following election slogans were considered too inflammatory to be worn as buttons. And I was too lazy to post them until now. But the people have requested a reminder of how pathetically boneheaded they were to put that piece of crap back in office.

Down with the moronarchy!

The Electoral College is Neither

Supreme Court or Selectoral College?

Member, Scalia Hunt Club

Impeach Scalia

I survived W … so far

Vote for your lives!

Voters against unnatural disasters

Vote out the bitches

Off with their heads

Stop the slo-mo train wreck

Electoral College out of my uterus!

Can we vote this time?

Demand a vote count!

Dump the chump

Down with chimperialism!

W or Shinola?



Don’t privatize our public sphere, publicize our private spheres

Private Sphere = Public's Fear

Take Back the Republic

Privatization = Public Degradation

Privatization = Public Privation

Free the Vote

Free the Democratic Process

Make Democracy Public Again

Liberate U.S. Democracy

Take Back Society

De-Privatize the Public

Not a Moment Too Soon

De-mock Democracy

De-frock the Cock

Bush is not an Option

Oilgarchy No

Democracy, not Oiligarchy

Dethrone the Oiligarchy

**Depose the Oiligarchy

Vote Out the Oiligarchy

Scalia, Fugitive from Justice

Democracy out of the Closet

How about a Defense of Democracy Amendment?

Trim the Republican Fat

**Start the Florida Recount Now

*Vote 2004, the Fire Next Time

Unattended Democracies will be Violated

Fraud is not Statesmanship

Jeb, Hands off this Election

End This Nightmare

Jesus wants a recount

*Take Back the Republic

Take Back the Millenium

We're Better Than This

Let's Try This Again

Try It Without the Fraud

Fast Screwed Nation

Redeem the Process

****Ballot Count: Accept no Substitute

Deprogram the Republic

Burn it Down, Start Over

Don't Drink the Kool Aid

Show Me That Ad Again

Born Again or Just an Asshole?

Devolution has Gone Too Far

Chuck the Fuck

**Disgorge George

Take Your Mess Back To Texas

Make Tex an Ex Prex

Voting Removes Stubborn Oil Stains

Affordable Democracy

The Current Administration is not Cost-Effective

The Current Administration is not good for Jesus and other living things

Ex Prex back to TX

Boost Civilian Morale in 2004

Suffer Not The Dumbass

Deprive him of all he holds dear

Smell the Glove

Drop the Charade

Blow the Whistle

Roll Back Executive Privilege

Flag on the Play

Bite me

Kerry for Not Bush

Kerry for slightly Lesser Evil

Kerry, indeedy

Kerry, sure

Kerry, okay, him

Shoot to kill – I mean, VOTE

Smell the Sock

Book 'im, Danno

Torture Bush (Geneva Conventions don't apply to him)

Fight the Right

Defeat the Elite, Pete

Ditch the Rich, Bitch

Deflate the State, Nate

Mangle his Dangle

Flog the Dog

Induce Vomiting

Smack that Smug Smirk off his Mush

Jesus died for what, now?

Your Vote Might Count!

All right, I'll tattoo Reagan on my eyeballs if you JUST GET RID OF BUSH!

Privatize Bush/Cheney in '04


"Space is the Place" - Sun Ra Posted by Hello


"Anthropos of nothing"  Posted by Hello

Memoir found in a cracker: The dinosaur wondered at the anachronistic golf caddy on his back divided and bellows-ed by an infant dangling within a C-clamp. Electric mudslide plus balanced kite-flyer seahorse communist music. Rest. Achilles tendon. Posted by Hello

and there i was Posted by Hello

The ever large

So far away, the stars. I always thought I'd live out there among them. At least by the time I was thirty. But the sad truth is, it never happened, and now I crouch on the rim of the crater of no return. Not really.


Why is this apparition always appearing before me? Here he's apparent on the Sittee River in Belize. What's that he's holding, a space chicken? Posted by Hello

Salami Jones

I don't know why. I'm fascinated with Salami Jones. He's a hardboiled detective, a yogi, and a fat rapper ground up and rolled up and smoked and hung up to cure. Salami Jones, he plays guitar like an old gentleman - wears a white suit and a black bow tie. He plays trombone in the funeral march. He's a whittler - he whittles robots out of old hammer shanks. He's never seen a Shakespeare play, but he's read them all, and the sonnets. He makes ice cream. Vanilla. Best vanilla ice cream YOU ever tasted. Everything he sits on turns to wood. And why shouldn't it? There's nothing in wood that's not in most other things we sit on.

Salami Jones - great grandson of the Emperor. Speaks only a private creole. Waiting for the rest of the world to learn it. "Not gonna happen," you might tell Salami Jones, but you'd be wasting your precious breath. Mistuh Salami Jones, he daid. Not really. He's just sleeping.

He snores, and a pingpong ball rises and falls above his puckered lips.

augeries Posted by Hello


Bill O'Reilly

The being called B O'Reilly is sending spongiform radiation across the animal spectrum. His disease may jump species - he could pass it to humans. Here is an analysis of his plague spore.


If you recognize the name, you might enjoy this.

Moment of Truth

I usually post my essays, like the one below, at the link above. Click on it and you can read past essays, plus a lovely almanac of sorts. I thank Yosephus for allowing me to display my essays here. You can also hear them at http://www.thisishell.net - the website of the radio show on which I read them.



Welcome to the Moment of Truth, the dark matter of political discourse, invisible, and yet affecting the motions of everything in the universe with its gravity.

The National Conference of State Legislatures just released a report calling No Child Left Behind flawed, convoluted, and unconstitutional, according to the New York Times of February 24. The NCSL is a bipartisan conference of representatives from state legislatures. It's made up of over three-and-a-half thousand of each Republicans and Democrats, with Republicans in the majority by one member, plus a few members from some of those little, meaningless gadfly parties it's so amusing to ignore. The Times article says the report supports longstanding complaints by educators and members of state legislatures.

The only dissent to the report that is mentioned in the article, as representative of "[s]everal groups that strongly support [No Child Left behind and] took issue with the report," comes from The Business Roundtable. The Business Roundtable is a collection of executives from big corporations whose only expertise in public education policy come from their desire to privatize it, sell products in it, and advertise themselves in its learning materials.

One example of the flaws of the Bush plan pointed to in the Times is the case of testing the mentally disabled. "[A] disabled eighth grader whom educators deem to be working at a sixth grade level must take examinations for eighth graders." It's a rule that conflicts with another federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which "mandates that students be taught according to ability." It also brings down test scores at public schools, and when that happens, Bush's brilliant punishments go into effect. Many schools have been shut down for low test scores. It's this kind of provision that led school administrators in Texas, laboring under a similar plan under the Bush gubernatorial reign, to reclassify or administratively disown underperforming students in order to avoid being closed or radically overhauled by the Central Authority. The falsification of the "achievements" of the Texas plan were exposed during the first President W administration.

Bush tried to resolve the problem while he was governor of Texas by executing kids who read below grade level. We all know that to be true. The rest of this paragraph is a kind of "what might have been" scenario: Bush discovered that the legal system was a cumbersome way to go about weeding out the mentally disabled, though, even the Texas legal system, and came up with a way to speed up the process. But his planned facility in New Auschwitz, Texas, under the "No Behind Child Left" program, had to be abandoned so he could run for president. Halliburton had to wait a whole two years for an equally lucrative contract to be handed to them.

Back to the truth:

The Department of Education is issuing a rebuttal to the report. I'm not sure why they don't just pay some conservative talk show host to rebut it for them. Maybe all the conservative pundits the Bush cabinet has bribed to peddle its various initiatives have been exposed and fired from their papers and TV and radio stations. Still, if you hear or read a belligerent conservative voice condemning the report by the National Conference of State Legislatures, remind yourself that they might be getting checks from the Secretary of Education. You'll have to provide your own disclaimer, because, for some reason, pundits in the pay of Bush appointees can't seem to remember to provide that caveat to their audiences on their own. It's weird, because whenever they're busted they claim they did nothing wrong. So why not just let people know at the outset?

Audiences are more likely to trust honesty than crookedness, right? Of course, someone who's honest about being a crook is still a crook. So the only way a crook can maintain the appearance of honesty is by being dishonest. That's why it didn't work for Nixon when he said, "I am not a crook." Conservatives have learned from his mistake. It's this post-Nixonian type of thinking that the NCSL might have been talking about when it described No Child Left Behind as "convoluted."

As for "unconstitutional," I quote the Times again:

One chapter of the report says that the Constitution does not delegate powers to educate the nation's citizens to the federal government, thereby leaving education under state control. The report contends that No Child Left Behind has greatly expanded federal powers to a degree that is unconstitutional.

"This assertion of federal authority into an area historically reserved to the states has had the effect of curtailing additional state innovations and undermining many that had occurred during the past three decades," the report said.

I guess it's okay to let Big Government push people around when it comes to education and same-sex marriage and library lending records and tours of military service and limiting the amount a negligent corporation can be forced to reimburse a victim. It's just not okay when Big Government tries to regulate corporate impacts on communities and the environment and the health and well being of workers. And don't even THINK about taxing corporations in order to PAY for pushing and not pushing people around in ways according to corporate caprice.

It's almost as if the Business Round Table were the philosophical arm of the Republican Party.

And it's like Cheney is Business King Arthur, and Bush is Sir Percival, and Alan Greenspan is Merlin.

And the public school kids are like unnoticed mushrooms and toads they squish under the hooves of their battle steeds.

This has been the Moment of Truth. Good day!

Moment of Truth

I usually post my essays, like the one below, at the link above. Click on it and you can read past essays, plus a lovely almanac of sorts. I thank Yosephus for allowing me to display my essays here. You can also hear them at http://www.thisishell.net - the website of the radio show on which I read them.


2-19-05 DIRT CHEAP

Welcome to the Moment of Truth: the Whiskey Rebellion with a dash of bitters.

Hey, this is great, this new law to hinder consumers from recovering damages inflicted by corporate and professional negligence. And why punish the negligent with punitive fines? They never learn their lesson, anyway.

Once all this brilliant tort reform legislation is in place, your doctor bills are going to go down, right? Because the insurance companies are going to charge doctors less for malpractice insurance, right? Insurance companies are going to charge less for all corporate and professional liability insurance, so all prices will drop. Right?

Boy, I can't wait. Once it's easier to get away with ripping off and injuring consumers, everything's gonna be dirt cheap. We'll all be able to have more leisure time to spend with our families, spreading our family values all over our family members, because we won't have to work as hard to support ourselves. We can go on a trip to the Grand Canyon!

Wages won't go up, though. Why not? I don't know. In all of this talk about letting us keep our money, I don't hear anything about getting higher wages. All I hear about is easing the burden on corporations, which is supposed to make prices lower, so we buy more. I don't get it, though. Higher wages would make us buy more, too, right? Why don't politicians promise higher wages? Why isn't there a part of the brilliant tort reform plan that works it so that wages go up?

I remember one time wages almost went up. Large corporations were making record profits. Productivity was at an all-time high. Prices were relatively stable. But then Allan Greenspan did something to make sure wages didn't go up. Apparently, if the worker is given a share of the profits earned by his increased output, that causes inflation. And that's why we have to stimulate the economy by taking the pressure off big corporations. Because the only way to reward workers is with low prices, not high wages. High wages bad, low prices good.

So, that's great. Because not only are wages not increasing to reflect productivity growth and corporate profit rises, but benefits are being cut. But that's okay, because now that we have tort reform, everyone will be able to cash in on the dirt cheap insurance! Because, remember, insurance prices are going to drop! Plummet! It's just like getting a raise, only bass ackwards.

Productivity continues to rise, by the way. But workers are not entitled to share in the gains from that rise. Because the rise is probably due to innovations initiated by management.

To be honest, I'm not even sure workers deserve to get paid ANYTHING. They didn’t start the businesses, they didn't invent the products or the way to produce them. They didn't invent the machines or protocols that cause productivity to rise. A long time ago, unions fought for decent wages, and that's the last time wages had any kind of pressure to rise. And that was plenty, I suppose.

Here's what I figured out: It's not what you do, invent, or own, as much as it is what you can secure the legal right to profit from. Unions wanted to institutionalize the worker's legal right to profit from the revenue taken in by the company he or she worked for. So, for a while, the idea that the worker had a right to pieces of the company profit was in vogue in certain circles. But clearly, today, it's not part of the discussion.

But that's okay. Because we have tort reform. So, all of you who can't afford to buy a house, cheer up! Soon, construction companies will be paying so little in insurance, that houses will be dirt cheap. Health care will be dirt cheap.

Oh, and if you want to open a small business, now's the time! Because, with insurance prices dropping, as they're sure to do, because what insurance company wouldn't lower its prices with all this great tort reform, new small businesses are going to blossom like Kaposi's sarcoma lesions on a crystal meth addict. You'll definitely see mom and pop coffee shops supplanting all those Starbuck's stores. And Home Depot will give way again to the local hardware store. And of course Walmarts will no longer be able to undersell small retail shops, because insurance prices are going to drop like a sack of potatoes.

So it's good that consumers will have a harder time making legal claims to reimbursement for injuries. Because, even if their lives are ruined, prices are going to be so low, even with your children dead because of faulty seatbelts or your life shortened because of carcinogens some vinyl manufacturer dumped in your water, it's gonna be like heaven.

The people most often injured by corporate negligence live in the red states, anyway. And since most of them can't afford health care, even though it will be dirt cheap pretty soon, they'll never be in a position for a doctor to do something negligent or malpractical to them in the first place.

There's only one thing going against this trend: Congress wants to raise indecency fines. This will cause indecency insurance rates to go up. In turn, cable and newspapers will have to charge more. Even networks will have to charge more to their advertisers. Which might offset the price plummet. Things may not be dirt cheap. But decency laws are so vague, they can be applied selectively to whomever the FCC wants to persecute. And in the red states, they don't want news and information, anyway. If the Lord had wanted them to be informed, he would have given them the brains not to vote Republican.

Oh, there's one more thing working against dirt cheap prices: the weak dollar. The dollar is very weak, weak as a meth addict with Kaposi's sarcoma. Who weakened the dollar? I don't know. Could be that our economic leadership has its head up its ass? Naw. Must be the liberals.

This has been the Moment of Truth. Good day!

Moment of Truth

I usually post my essays, like the one below, at the link above. Click on it and you can read past essays, plus a lovely almanac of sorts. I thank Yosephus for allowing me to display my essays here. You can also hear them at http://www.thisishell.net - the website of the radio show on which I read them.



Welcome back to the Moment of Truth, delivered by Jeff Dorchen, the only pundit who will not punditize unless he has something useful to offer.

Here's what I hoped: I hoped that the individual and collective courage demonstrated by Iraqis who voted despite the danger of being exploded or sniped would have made some suicidal fanatic somewhere sit up and say, "Hey, these people are willing to die, just as I am – maybe what they have to say is worth a listen." Or maybe even that the entire suicide bombing populace of the world might have an immediate crisis of conscience.

Magical thinking, indeed. Much like the magical thinking I did after 9/11, when I hoped that somehow, the insanity of that violence and the horror of those 3000 deaths and the apocalyptic images and the bottomless grief shared by, it seemed, the entire planet, would have caused a government led by Dick Cheney et al to do something other than jump at the opportunity to use that tragedy as an excuse to reinvigorate the Cold War Petro-corporate-military-industrial Oligarchy.

It seems Islamic fundamentalists with Iranian sympathies have won the Iraqi election. The question now for the US ruling oligarchy is, I suppose, whether to lug all our stuff over to Iran to overthrow the Iranian government, or just to stay where we are and overthrow the Iranian government soon to be installed in Iraq.

Meanwhile, here at home, Walmart is costing taxpayers anywhere from $100,000 to $240,000 per store per year to pay for all the things their workers can't afford, like health care, because their wages are so low, not to mention the loss of local jobs and local business ownership. All these effects cut revenue necessary to pay for education and roads and other infrastructure while they stifle economic growth.

And half of all personal bankruptcies are precipitated by the inability to pay medical expenses. Meanwhile, there's no mention of reforming the insurance industry, only of putting caps on jury awards. Perhaps if we stopped using the term Health Care Reform and instead said Health Insurance Reform, we might be able to separate in public discourse the greatness of our nation's health care system from the inability of most of us to afford to take advantage of it. Yes, rich foreigners come here to get solid-gold organs, but I don't see Joe Canadian sneaking across the border to buy medicine.

So here I go, thinking magically again.

Here are the two things progressives need to do: Number one: start referring to Health Insurance Reform. Say it over and over. Health Insurance Reform. Not Health Care Reform. Health Insurance Reform. Even Democrats should be encouraged to say it, although they probably won't mean it.

Number two, and the most elegant portion of my two-part scheme to save the Constitution and spare the rest of the world an imperial USA fueled by fanatical Protestant patriotism: Stop fighting for science.

The Christian right STILL wants to ban the teaching of evolution. Kansas tried it, and became an international joke. So what? Well, wonder of wonders, Kansas decided it didn't like being an international joke, and changed its ways. But the Christian right is still willing to go there, and together with the Oligarchy, wants us to be the only Western nation to make it official policy that contemporary science is of no greater value in explaining the material universe than a medieval death cult with origins in the secret societies of antiquity.

Let them deny global warming, let them ban evolution, cosmology, geology, paleontology, anthropology, and whatever else they deem counter to their superstitious precepts. Let them ban all science from elementary school to the highest institutions of learning that receive any government money whatsoever.

Meanwhile, progressives should focus our attention on supporting the development of energy sources and transportation options to replace the petroleum industry. Because petroleum is going down. I mean, it's dirty and non-renewable and getting more expensive as the Cheney administration botches Middle-East policy at every possible juncture. There are solar power options in development than can be painted on surfaces and power them far more efficiently than the current solar cells. New ways of making and storing hydrogen. Back in the 1970s, it was clear that Petroleum wasn't going down without a fight, but I never expected it to hang on this long. It's well past time to retire Petroleocracy to the ash-heap of history, as we have Soviet Communism, and for many of the same reasons.

Much as Lysenkoism (look it up – you should know this anyway) helped discredit Stalin's Iron Curtain quarantine from Western society, so will Creationism and Petroleocracy help discredit the Right's policy of quarantining the US citizen from international human rights consensus, climate science, and other aspects of external reality. And as the rest of the world fights to soften the inevitable collision between humanity and climate change, the choice between Petroleum and the survival of the USA as an economic power will become clear, if not to Joe Public, at least to capitalists, who have a tendency to side with reality when the chips are down and profits are threatened.

They call it "neoconservatism," but I view the present alignment between religious nuts, nationalism, oil, transnational corporatism, and tabloid-style talking-head demagogues as the last major gasp of last century's old guard. It will certainly be the last time they're ever this powerful. So, if the worst should happen and Bush appoints a few Supreme Court Justices who want to overturn Roe v. Wade, remember that they will also be supporting Creationism v. Reality, and the one will discredit the other. This house is built on a foundation of competing fanaticisms and cannot stand against the winds of reality.

The fear, of course, is that the house will collapse on those non-fanatics who happen to be in it at the time. A sinking ship takes everyone down. An escape strategy is always advisable when the populace starts backing egregiously corrupt, incompetent leaders out of belligerent patriotism.

So, to recapitulate: Start saying "Health Insurance Reform" – even simply "Insurance Reform" will do.

Ignore the Right's fight to stifle science. If they win that fight, they lose.

Focus on replacing petroleum with new technology.

And finally, please note the location of all emergency exits. Your seat cushion can be used as a flotation device. Yes, despite Cotton Mather's opinions to the contrary, things that are lighter than water will float, irrespective of their magical qualities.

This has been the Moment of Truth: Good day!

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